Monday, December 17, 2012

Macy's Blessing

My dear Macy girl,

Yesterday was your blessing day.  Daddy gave you a beautiful blessing.  It was so tender and like nothing I've ever heard.  It's clear he loves you oh, so much.  We all do.  The spirit was incredibly strong and I have no doubt you are a precious gift from heaven.  

He blessed you with modesty, which is so much more than what you wear.  It's the way you think, talk, behave... it is what will make you stand out from the filth of the world and be something truly special.  It will give you strength and value as an individual and disciple of our Savior.

He blessed you to have love and kindness.  The kind that will help those around you feel special and cherished.  He also blessed you to be happy and cheerful and to always find the peace in situations and to be a peacemaker.

He blessed you to have a strong relationship with your Heavenly Father that will help you to make good choices and stand for the right in times that are hard.  We know you will encounter many "hard" times throughout your life.  The world is a beautiful place but has a lot of scary and dangerous possibilities.  That's why you need to be ready to stand for the right, no matter what.  

You were also blessed to go to the temple.  That you could find a friend to be your eternal companion and have a family.  The temple is the key to keeping the joy and happiness that family brings.  You can have that blessing forever if the temple is the place you root your family.  We, as your parents, want this more for you than we can express.  Our family is our greatest possession and we are so blessed to have the chance to keep you all with us forever.  It will take a lot of work, for all of us, to keep such a lasting bond, and we are ready to help you do so in any way we can.

You are such a blessing to us.  We love you.

With all my heart,

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