Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today we review the details of my day.  I will update this from time to time... I hope to edit some more pictures today so I'll be around the computer enough to keep it interesting.

As of 12:46 am I am still up and trying to finish this week's episode of House before I get myself to bed.  I started it while I was finishing up editing my aunt and uncle's family session.  There are some great ones...  I hope to be in bed by 1.  I've just thought of a question though.  Does a day start at midnight or when you wake up?

We were up about 8.  But Marshall climbed into my bed and cuddled for a bit so we didn't get going right away.  During breakfast Marshall decided he needed to go potty and while he was walking through the kitchen he turned around and said, "My crampin' leg still hurts."  I thought he said his crappin' leg so I was really weirded out.  But once I realized what he was talking about I laughed.  He repeats everything he hears and he was totally talking like Colby.  Near the end of the marathon Colby was experiencing crazy cramping in his thighs and Marshall totally picked up on us talking about it so from time to time he says his thigh is cramping.  You should have seen him (Marshall) a few days after  the race.  I had been killer sore and was walking around like a crippled grandma and one time Marshall goes through the room hunched over talking slow measured steps and moaning as he went.  I busted up laughing and he thought it was funny that he got caught copying mommy.  He's hilarious.

Well, back to today.  I tidied up the kitchen then finished folding and sorting some clothes that need to be taken to Kid to Kid.  We're headed into town today to get the stuff we need for Halloween costumes so now Marshall is super stoked about our day of errands.  He's also found a renewed excitement about being a lawn gnome for Halloween.  I've got quite the list of things to do so let's hope we get done before it really rains because I hate wrestling the stroller into the cab of the truck but I don't like for it to get rained on either.  We need another car...

Turns out I decided to brave the day without a stroller.  Which turned out OK because my great sister Lauren joined us for the afternoon.  We went to Kid to Kid and DI to find oversize Tshirts for the boys' costumes and I was hoping to find some brown shoes for Marshall but didn't have any luck at finding ones that would work.  We only need them for Halloween so I didn't want to buy new and they didn't even have to be super cute but thank goodness Target had some slippers that were only one size too big that will work OK.  We needed to grab some lunch (because I seem to suffer hypoglycemic symptoms from time to time and I was in the middle of a CRASH!!!) so I had some free/half off deals at 25 Main so we got some yummy food and some cupcakes.  Places like that remind me of Walton's in Austin but are never as good.  The food was good... just not Walton's.  After that we hit JoAnn's for some fabric and yarn then we picked up Megan from school.  The last thing on the list of stuff to do was find Marshall a new hoodie.  Easier said than done but I got one.  I did find the sweetest leather jacket at Target, but I wanted a hoodie... I'm still drooling over that jacket though.  It would MAKE the cutest photo shoot.  (Yes, I'm always thinking like that.)

Once we got home we grabbed some snacks and chowed down on spinach & artichoke dip while watching America's Next Top Model.  We were glad to see K go home.  Now I'm just waiting for Colby to get home because we have a couple of surprises for him.  He's been gone all week and that's hard!  While I'm sitting here I'm watching Tyler play with a pen.  He's got it ink side up... periodically "clicking" it against the couch... watching the ball point pop up and down.  Marshall is sitting on the couch by me with his one size too big slippers on.  They still even have the elastic band on them that holds them together.  He's using the band as a slingshot of sorts with his toy motorcycle.  I love my kids.  Well.. we'll see about that.  It will all depend on how severe the heart attacks are that they give me. Tyler just stood at the edge of the couch ready to swan dive into the floor.

We were so excited to have Colby home!!!  I love watching my boys freak out about "Daddy!" and love on him for a while.  This morning Tyler saw a picture of Colby on the computer and kept going on and on about him and at one point reached out to Colby in order to be held.  It's pretty funny when he does that.  As if the picture could hold him... again... I love my kids.  Tyler did that to a picture of Grandpa Stratton the other day and it just melted my heart.  That boy has a thing for his Grandpas and he is so blessed to have so many in his life.

After Colby had been home a bit we headed next door to help our neighbors clean their house before they move in.  We're so excited to have good neighbors that I would gladly help them do whatever it took to get them moved in.  After that we headed down to Colby's parents' to check in on a few things and send them off to soccer semi-finals with all the luck we could muster.  I really hope the girls win tomorrow so we can watch them play in the State Championship game!  We'll see...  I know they can do it!  I'm headed to bed.  I'm ignoring the socks and shoes on the floor in the family room and I'm getting some shut eye.  There will be time to pick up shoes in the morning.

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