Sunday, November 1, 2009

My one and only... Brother

This is a tribute to my brother. Don't worry fam. I know I haven't tributed anyone but my kids, but it will come, I promise. I love all of you.

Jon is awesome! Him and I have always been a lot alike. Except I don't harass people like he does. He can be such a tease, but I love it.

I love the way he knows how to chill. He has such a laid back attitude that helps me relax whenever he's around.

Probably my favorite thing about him is his laugh. It is so contagious... and the smile that goes along with it just kills me. That's what everyone loves about Jonathan I think.

It blows my mind that he is growing up so fast. He is almost a man now... and he will be such a great man. He might not know this, but I always admired his scripture reading habit. Countless times while we were kids, I would walk by his bedroom and see him in bed reading his scriptures. It was such a good reminder that if my little brother could do it, I should do it too. It was always at a time you would expect him to be playing and messing around but he was learning instead.

These pictures were from a couple of months ago. He took this cutie to Homecoming (his first big dance date). I gave him a really hard time... he wasn't going to go and I did everything but put a gun to his head. He was so patient with me and finally consented. I'm glad he's sensitive to the sensitve feelings all of us girls have. I think that's where I convinced him. I hope he always remembers what he learned growing up with three sisters. Girls can be crazy and irrational, but your life would be dull and empty without them... wouldn't they Jon? Please, always be sweet to the girls in your life. It will make you 1,000 times happier.

I love you Jon.

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