I'm in love with this wooden gun. It was Colby's when he was little. His Grandma and Grandpa Tom made it for him and then restored it for Marshall. He carries it with him all the time and it has come in especially handy during the hunt this year. He holds it up, waits a bit, then says, "BOOM!" The other day we were driving the roads on the mountain and Marshall would say, "I see a deer. Marshall shoot the deer. BOOM!" So I pointed out a cow and asked him if he was going to shoot it and he said, "No. I'm nice." I cracked up.
Can you believe it? A family picture! I really don't like the way I look in orange, especially flourescent orange, but a family picture is priceless and has to be posted. (Thank you to my timer setting and the trailer that was right there.)
It was windy and cold on Kolob tonight. I'm so glad I remembered these fleece lined jeans I bought at Old Navy last year. The only other time we used them (snowmobiling) Marshall was cooking and I thought I would never actually have a need for them. They worked like a charm tonight.
Hopefully all the orange in these pictures sends the vibes out to all those bucks on Kolob so we can be home in the evening for a change. Can't wait for the jerky.