Monday, March 17, 2014

It's real, people.

By the end of lunch today, my sister made an observation that made me laugh pretty hard. "The struggle is real," I heard her say. Seriously though, it's real. The struggle is really, really real.

I have pondered on this many times in the last few weeks. Motherhood is fabulous. It is all I've ever wanted (at least since I moved past my kindergarten dreams of being Madonna when I grew up), and I am happy to take the lows with the highs. But I feel like I'm living in the trenches of the struggle right now and couldn't help but laugh when someone else acknowledged that the struggle of motherhood is real.

Early this morning I woke up because Tyler was throwing up and his poor little heart was just broken. Not only that, but it looks like he picked up Macy's pink eye germs as well. So I got him cleaned up, put eye drops in his eyes, and laid down next to him until he fell back asleep because he had also been having nightmares. Peace returned to our house and we made it halfway through the morning before my little tornado, Macy, made sure to "organize" my desk drawers and then rearrange most items from the top of my desk into a beautiful mess on the floor. I was trying to get some work done on the computer, and she even managed to use her magic fingers and quick reach to operate functions on my computer that I didn't even know were possible. May I inform you that the desk rearranging happened while I was helping Tyler in the bathroom while his body was trying to decide which end was most sick.  It was terrible, but enough of that yucky stuff.

We sat down to lunch and things started getting really nutso. I pulled Macy's high chair over towards the table and it turns out the tray was only hooked onto the one side and the tray and food flipped all over the floor. A minute or so later I was reaching for something and awkwardly managed to tip a cup of water over and spill it everywhere. It was right then that Megan piped up with, "the struggle is real."  She didn't laugh and she didn't exclaim. She only said it- matter of factly and somewhat enlightened.

We all had a good laugh and I smiled at the thought of all the nonsense I endure as a mommy. I really like it. I feel blessed to be home where my kids can run amuck and stress me out on a daily basis.

Now don't you think the fun was over. Before sending both kidlets off to bed for a restful nap I hugged Tyler and we tipped right over and laughed. I was so glad to see him relax and have a little fun after feeling so yucky today. So we just laid there giggling until Macy made sure to come right over and sit on my face.

The struggle IS real.

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