Thursday, October 14, 2010


 The picture above is in my top three favorite.  Two below is probably my very fave.  But truly, why pic favorites?  I loved them all.  I loved the whole day.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.  I would do my (our) wedding over and over if I could.  With the same great man of course... I'd just change up all the details time and time again.  I was actually quite happy with my (our) wedding.  It's just that there are so many beautiful details out there I'd like to try all of them.  My favorite part of looking through these pictures is seeing the "little ones" five years younger.  For Colby and me five years has felt like nothing.  But look at these little kids.  I'd say they've grown up at least a decade since then.


  1. so beautiful. i love love love your cake, that is so rad. and your dress is stunning. weddings are my favorite! yours was beautiful!

  2. LOVE your cake! And the picture of Colby and his dad is so cute. I'd redo my wedding over and over again too, partially because my cake was SO dang ugly...

  3. who wears slippers in wedding pics?? weird girl... ha ha, i'm sad i missed that day so i think you SHOULD have a redo. :) and it's so crazy to look at how LITTLE megan and jon are. chase too!
