Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Happy Family Pictures

It's come to my mind that maybe a happy family has the hardest time taking "good" family pictures.  We had a great time doing these, but had a heck of a time getting a good picture of everyone.  Haha.

We went to California a couple weeks ago to visit family, play at the beach, and do a family photo session for some friends.  The idea of family pictures got in my head and my sweet aunt that would have taken our pictures was not feeling well, so I had my sister snap them for me.  She was a bit nervous but I got her all set up and all she had to do was push the button over and over and tell us if we looked ridiculous.  As it turned out, we looked ridiculous in quite a few of them but a perfect kind of ridiculous.  So I'm OK with it.  

It was fun to look through all of them and see my silly kids' personalities shine through.  I even love the ones where you can see our natural tendencies, as parents, shine through as we watch and direct our kiddos.  I love my family so much.  They are a great joy and blessing to me.  Enjoy.

Looking through these now, I am laughing at our entire situation.  We got to the pier later in the morning than we anticipated so we were worried about there being too many people there to even take pictures.  So I jumped out of the car to scope it out while Colby tried to find a parking spot.  I promised we would take less than a half hour so he could park more easily and I didn't know that he just passed off the keys to a guy manning a parking lot.  So Colby was feeling anxious to finish so we could get back to our car and not have to pay $10/hr for parking.  It was pretty funny.  On top of that, Tyler was practicing his ninja kicks the whole time and showing off how he had mastered the skill of going cross-eyed.  Macy had to be convinced to smile in every photo and Marshall was thankfully cooperative, for the most part.  It was a fun time.  I think it stressed Megan out completely to feel responsible for getting pictures of all my strong willed kids.